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2020 出發日期:

10 MAY, 06 SEP


★暢遊:伊斯坦堡、安卡拉、加柏都斯亞、康雅、伊斯密、Visiting: Istanbul, Ankara, Cappadocia, Konya, Izmir,
★住宿四晚於土耳其伊斯坦堡和二晚洞穴酒店及安排於洞穴餐廳欣賞肚皮舞表演 Stay 4 nights in Istanbul and 2 nights in Cappadocia. Enjoy a belly dance show at the cave restaurant
★最美山城,世界遺產古城【番紅花城】UNESCO World Heritage Sites ~ Safranbolu
★世界文化遺產【古羅密的天然博物館】UNESCO World Heritage Sites ~ Churches of Goreme
★土耳其天然奇景【棉花堡】,石灰質聚成棉花狀岩石  Visit the miracle of the nature, the UNESCO World Heritage sites ~ Pamukkale
★以弗所古城~阿特米斯神殿~古薩達斯 Visit Ephesus, Artemis Tapinagi & Kusadasi
★伊斯坦堡杜柏奇皇宮,包入內欣賞世界第二大的巨型鑽石及地下水庫,藍廟及被譽為第八大奇蹟之聖蘇菲亞  Visit the three landmarks of Istanbul - Topkapi Palace, Blue Mosque, and Hagia Sophia



★ 伊斯坦堡 - 番紅花城 - 安卡拉 - 加柏都斯亞 - 居里默 - 安塔利亞 - 古薩達斯 – 伊茲密爾 - 布尔萨

Istanbul – Safranbolu – Ankara – Cappadocia – Goreme – Antalya - Kusadasi – Izmir - Bursa


  • 國際往返經濟艙機票及機場稅
  • 4-5星酒店,2晚洞穴酒店,1晚民宿(番紅花城沒有星級酒店)
  • 行程中註明的正餐膳食
  • 行程中注明的門票
  • 空調旅遊巴士
  • 專業中文導遊
  • 導遊及司機小費USD$70/人
  • 簽證費
  • 自費項目、私人消費和旅遊保險費
  • 因人力不可抗拒因素導致的額外費用
  • 當時情況儘量安排及全權處理

Tour Itinerary

DSC_6015, Turkish Tourism, Turkey, 2013. Couple walking on the street. Turkey,Istanbul,The Grand Bazaar

Day 1 澳洲 – 伊斯坦堡

Depart from home city to Istanbul, the largest city in Turkey and 5th largest city proper in the world with a population of 13 million.

Day 2 伊斯坦堡

土耳其國土百分之97 在亞洲,其餘則位處歐洲。而伊斯坦堡為歐、亞洲之交匯點。自古以來為東羅馬帝國之都,地位與古羅馬同等重要,這裡的藝術、文化等揉合著東西方之精華。抵達後由專車送往酒店休息,自由活動 。
住宿/Hotel:Lionel Hotel/Golden Tulip/Ramada Plaza或同等
Upon arrival transfer to hotel and prepare for the exciting tour beginning tomorrow.

Day 3 伊斯坦堡-番紅花城

早餐後乘車往最美麗的山城【番紅花城】;登上【希德勒爾山】山頂俯瞰整座番紅花城;番紅花也是全世界最貴的香料,大家一定要喝杯當地特產土耳其茶;晚上於民宿內享用風味晚餐後,入住酒店內休息。(早/ 午/ 晚餐)住宿/Accommodation: Kadioglu/Cesmeli/Zalifre或同等
After breakfast, drive to the most beautiful mountain town Safranbolu; climb the hilltop overlooking the entire crocus city; saffron is also the most expensive spice in the world, everyone must drink a local specialty Turkey Tea; stay in the hotel after a delicious dinner in the hotel at night. (B/L/D)

Day 4 番紅花城—安卡拉

早餐於酒店餐廳,。驅車前往首都安卡拉。抵達後隨即展開市內觀光,包括各政府大樓及土耳其國父紀念館。土耳其國父凱穆爾(Mustafa Kemal Ataturk)於第一次世界大戰結束後,領導土耳其人民成功避免國家被西方列強瓜分,並建立今天的土耳其共和國。(早/ 午/ 晚餐)
住宿/Hotel:Meyra Hotel/Bera Hotel或同等
After breakfast, head to the capitol city of Turkey –Ankara, and browse around the city upon arriving. We shall visit the city center, including the Anitkabir – the mausoleum of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the leader of the Turkish War of Independence and the founder, first President of the Republic of Turkey. (B/L/D)

Day 5 安卡拉—加柏都斯亞( 地下古城)

早餐於酒店餐廳。餐後驅車前往加柏都斯亞又名「奇石林」。抵達後前往地下古城參觀。公元初基督徒為逃避羅馬人屠殺,在岩窟中挖掘居所,室內設有透氣風孔及逃生道。是不可多得的藝術品。土耳其政府極力保護該區文物,現已成為博物館。地下城市內裡設備完善,有倉庫、酒窖、教堂、換氣用的通風孔和防禦外敵的逃生道等設施。午、晚餐於當地餐廳。(早/ 午/ 晚餐)
住宿/Accommodation:Selcuklu Cave/Dedli Konak/Assiana Cave/Sunak Cave或同等
After breakfast we head towards Cappadocia and visit one of the underground cities. Enjoy lunch and dinner at local restaurants. (B/L/D)

Day 6 居里默—山洞教堂—仙境煙窗—地毯村 —肚皮舞表演

早餐於酒店。餐後前往居里默,此城的意思是「讓你看不見」。能讓阿拉伯人看不到躲在洞穴社區中的基督徒,靠的是在巨石中挖出教堂、住居和牲口家畜的洞穴社區。參觀「仙境煙窗」,由於火山灰被風化後而形成如金字塔的景象。石中教堂建於公元七世紀時,基督教為逃避阿拉伯人統治下所受到的宗教迫害,便逃到居里默建築岩窟教堂避難以及堅守自己的信仰。教堂內畫有許多聖像及描繪基督生平的壁畫。安排參觀地毯村,全是人手製造,色彩及手功精美。餘下時間自由活動。晚餐於酒店餐廳。餐後安排於洞穴餐廳,欣賞著名肚皮舞及民族舞表演。(早/ 午/ 晚餐)
住宿/Accommodation:Selcuklu Cave/Dedli Konak/Assiana Cave/Sunak Cave或同等
After breakfast, visit the Churches of Göreme. Then we are going to explorer the remarkable landscaping by the nature. After thousands of years of gusty wind and erosion, the rocks become a tall, thin spire shape, which we call them “Fairy Chimney”, or “Hoodoo”. It occurs in multiple parts of the world, and Cappadocia is one of them. Because the volcanic deposits in here are soft rocks that the people of the villages at the heart of the Cappadocia Region carved out to form houses, churches and monasteries. Later we shall visit a carpet village before enjoying our dinner in a restaurant in one of these rock-cut caves, and also enjoy a belly dance and folklore show. (B/L/D)

Day 7 加柏都斯亞—絲路駱駝商隊旅館- 西代 — 安塔利亞

住宿/Hotel:Adonis Hotel/The Marmara/Harrington Park或同等
After breakfast we shall visit a Caravanserai – in the ancient time it served like a roadside inn for the camel merchants to rest and recover from the day’s journey. Then transit to the southern area of Turkey, visit Side, famous for the archaeological site featuring the imposing remains of a 2nd-century Roman theater. Lastly, transit to the largest city Antalya along the Mediterranean. (B/L/D)

Day 8 安塔利亞-棉花堡

住宿/Hotel:Hiera Park Thermal/Richmont Thermal 或同等
Antalya, which borders the Mediterranean Sea, is a well-known tourist resort in Turkey. After breakfast, visit the Old Town. In Afternoon, we drive to Turkey for natural wonders, the famous hot spring resort Pamukkale. Then we arrive the “Cotton Castle” Pamukkale. It is a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, together with Hierapolis, in 1988. After dinner at the hotel you may enjoy a hot spring bath on your own accord. (B/L/D)

Day 9 棉花堡—以弗所古城—阿特米斯神殿 —皮革中心—古薩達斯 – 伊茲密爾

住宿/Hotel:Renaisance Hotel/Mevenpick Hotel/Wyndham Hotel 或同等
After breakfast we shall head towards Ephesus. The ruins of Ephesus were famed for the Temple of Artemis, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. After a visit of the leather center we move on to Kusadasi, a resort town on Turkey’s Aegean coast. Have accommodation in Izmir or nearby. (B/L/D)

Day 10 伊茲密爾—布尔萨—伊斯坦布爾

住宿/Hotel:Lionel Hotel/Golden Tulip/Ramada Plaza或同等
After breakfast, proceed to Bursa to visit the Green Mosque and the Green Mausoleum. After lunch, head to Istanbul. After arriving, check into the hotel.

Day 11 伊斯坦堡

早餐於酒店餐廳,後參觀伊斯坦堡最富盛名,擁有六座宣禮塔的藍色清真寺~【藍廟】。由於廟內舖滿了藍色磚塊,故此得名。隨後參觀揉合回教與基督教的【聖蘇菲亞大教堂】,此為拜占庭式建築的傑作,於公元537 年興建,內裡富麗堂皇,且被很多藝術歷史學家評為世界第八大奇蹟。繼而參觀【杜柏奇皇宮】,宮內展覽歷代蘇丹皇所選用的陶瓷、價值連城寶石及藝術品,整座皇宮建設獨特,金碧輝煌,美侖美奐,為現今世上一座不可多得之博物館。館內最矚目的是重達86 卡之全美鑽石及先知穆罕默德的腳印、鬍鬚及寶劍等。午餐於中國餐館。餐後前往地下水庫—又稱【地下宮殿】,是一座從君士坦丁大帝時期開始建造,拜占庭式的地下貯水池,當年動用了7000 名奴隸才完成此座雄偉奢華的儲水庫。此地亦曾經是軍事彈藥庫,水庫規模很大,貯水量達十萬噸,內有三百幾根柯林斯式大石柱,所以進入水庫內,就如進入一座位於地底的宏偉大宮殿。宮殿內最神秘的淚柱,柱身上有樹紋及孔雀眼的紋路,據說是紀念當年死於建造地下宮殿的數百名奴隸,亦有人說摸一摸這淚柱便能治病。而更教人驚嘆的是兩個被壓在柱底的美杜莎(Medusa) 頭像。就像傳說中蛇髮女妖美杜莎的神奇法力一樣,一望就讓人變成石頭,充斥著迷離而又神秘的詭異色彩。(早/午/晚餐)
住宿/Hotel:Lionel Hotel/Golden Tulip/Ramada Plaza或同等
After breakfast we proceed to Sultan Ahmed Mosque, also known as the Blue Mosque for the blue tiles adorning the walls of its interior. Then visit Hagia Sophia, former Orthodox patriarchal basilica, later a mosque, and now a museum in Istanbul. Became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1985, Topkapi Palace was a setting for state occasions and royal entertainments and is a major tourist attraction today, containing the most holy relics of the Muslim world such as the Prophet Muhammed’s cloak and sword. Enjoy lunch at a Chinese restaurant, then explore the Yerebatan Sarnici, also named the “underground palace”, built by Constantine the Great. (B/L/D)

Day 12 伊斯坦堡

住宿/Hotel:Lionel Hotel/Golden Tulip/Ramada Plaza或同等
After breakfast, head to Taksim Square, which is considered to be the heart of modern Istanbul, the Republic Monument on the square to commemorate the establishment of the Republic of Turkey. After a cruise on the Bosphorus, experience the wonderful feeling of being in Europe and one hand in the famous straits of Eurasia. In the afternoon, go shopping at the local market and enjoy free time. The market has more than 500 years of history, more than 3,000 stores, selling leather, carpets and a variety of authentic handicrafts. (B/L)

Day 13 伊斯坦堡 – 澳洲

At the time specifed, transfer to airport to depart. (B)

Day 14 澳洲 Australia

Arrive Australia




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