【揭開古文明神秘面紗 | 聖誕特別團】22/25天南美四國夢境之旅(智利—秘魯—阿根廷—巴西—可加:復活節島)

2019 Xmas Special! 22/25 Days South America 4 Countries Dream Tour!


令全世界嘖嘖稱奇的古文明、以及全球最讓人好奇的謎團,就在中南美! 因葡西的影響,在語言、宗教、文化和生活習慣等方面,呈現拉丁文化色彩,熱情豪放、繽紛多元,嘉年華會、雷鬼、探戈…強烈的節奏與縱情搖擺,帶給人們絕妙的衝擊與感動。 中南美區域裡總計約有132項登上世界遺產名錄(UNESCO),數量驚人,其中有的還同時被列為世界奇景,大量的古蹟遺址及震撼人心的風景,獨特而豐富。



  • LAN 航空國際往返及內陸段經濟艙機票,機場稅和

  • 4~5 星酒店;3 星復活節島;3 星亞馬遜(當地最佳)
  • 全程景點門票、豪華玻璃觀光火車票、船票
  • 行程中列明的膳食
  • 專業中文或英文導遊
  • 空調旅遊巴士




如需訂購或查詢詳情,請撥打(02) 9267 8909,郵件至agent@gwtours.com.au,聯絡我們友善的sales團隊,您也可以在我們的網上訂購系統,直接下單。



Dear valued agents,

South America is famous for its ancient civilizations and mysterious quality. A total of 132 sites have been listed on the World Heritage List (UNESCO), some of which are also listed as world wonders, a large number of historical sites and stunning scenery, unique and rich..

22/25 Days South America 4 Countries Dream Tour!  19 Dec 2019 Xmas Departure!

Starting from $13588. Fare includes:

  • LATAM International Economy Class Return and Domestic Air Tickets, Airpot Taxes and Fuel Surcharge
  • Air-conditioned Coach
  • Meals as indicated in the itinerary
  • Chinese or English-speaking tour guide
  • 4~5 Star Hotels; 3 Star on Easter Island; 3 Star in Amazon Forest(best in the region)
  • Admissions Fees, Train & Boat Fare

We also welcome all agents to form self-organized groups. We can do a full range of customized group tours tailored to different needs.

Agency commission: 300 per person

For tour booking or inquiries, please call (02) 9267 8909, email us at agent@gwtours.com.au to contact our friendly sales team. You can also place orders directly on our online ordering system.

I wish you all prosperous business ahead!

Sales and Marketing Team
Great Wall Tours